Friday, April 4, 2008

First Blog Post !

Namaste, Hello and welcome to my blog on the internets !! I have been meaning to pen my thoughts on the various incidents occurring in today's world. I do not want my blog to be "just another photos and technical jargon" blog. I want it to be something unique, something creative and more importantly, something constructive.

I can already hear you smirking at the idea of achieving world peace through this blog, but hey, I am not afraid to try ! This world has become a race - race to grow up, race to earn money, race to earn fame, a race to reach that goal - to become that one all powerful person.

But whom are we kidding ? Everyone realizes that life is fleeting ! Yet, they fail to accept it. Often in life, we face a certain situation - be it a tragedy, a happy moment, or a timeless moment - something which wakes us up from this daze that our lives have become. It is then that we realize the value of what's been given to us.

It is then that we realize - we have a purpose on this earth. We ain't here just to learn, earn and die ! We are part of a bigger plan. There is no straight forward way to realize our purpose - that much every one will agree. But we have to look beyond this daily maze we call life. We have to leave this world in a better shape than we found it in.